Laser Proctology
Laser Proctology
Laser proctology, is a specialized field. It focuses on the treatment of conditions like piles, fissures, fistulas, and pilonidal sinus. These procedures are done by advanced laser techniques.
Dr. Ram Kumar Sharma, an experienced surgeon excels in laser proctology. Ensuring optimal outcomes and patient satisfaction are his priorities. Doing minimal invasive procedures with advanced technology to achieve higher surgical outcome.
Laser Procedure for Piles - Laser hemorrhoidoplasty
Laser hemorrhoidoplasty is a minimally invasive technique used to treat hemorrhoids or piles.
It involves applying laser energy to shrink and collapse the hemorrhoidal tissue.
The procedure offers benefits like no wounds, very minimal pain, faster recovery, and minimal bleeding compared to traditional surgery.
By directing the laser beam precisely, the treatment targets the affected tissue while minimizing harm to surrounding healthy areas.
That's why Laser hemorrhoidoplasty has become a popular and effective choice for patients seeking relief from piles discomfort and associated symptoms.
Laser Procedure for Fissure - Laser Internal Sphincterotomy
An anal fissure is a painful tear in the lining of the anal canal.
Laser Internal Sphincterotomy for Fissure is a treatment that addresses the spasm of the internal sphincter. This procedure is done by laser energy, that's why no skin incisions is required.
This minimally invasive procedure precisely targets and heals the affected area.
A specialized laser device delivers controlled bursts of energy that releases the sphincter spasm and promoting healing of the fissure.
The laser precision ensures minimal damage to surrounding healthy tissue, so it reduces the risk of complications.
This advanced technique offers several benefits, including no open wound, very minimal pain, faster healing, and a lower chance of recurrence compared to traditional surgical methods.
That's why Laser proctology has emerged as a safe and effective solution for individuals seeking relief from anal fissures.
Laser Procedure for Fistula - Fistula Laser Closure (FiLaC)
FiLaC, or Fistula Laser Closure, is an innovative approach to treat anal fistulas. Fistulas are abnormal tunnels connecting the rectum or anus to the surrounding skin.
This minimally invasive procedure employs laser energy to target and close the fistula tract precisely.
By inserting a specialized laser fiber into the fistula tract, controlled bursts of energy are delivered to promote healing and sealing of the passage.
The laser's precision ensures minimal harm to healthy tissue that reduces the risk of complications.
Compared to traditional surgical methods, this advanced technique offers benefits such as reduced post-operative pain, faster healing, and a lower chance of fistula recurrence.
So Laser procedures have become a promising option for patients seeking effective treatment for anal fistulas.
Laser Procedure for Pilonidal Sinus - Sinus pilonidalis Minimal Invasive Laser Excision (SMILE)
Sinus pilonidalis Minimal Invasive Laser Excision (SMILE) is a laser-based procedure used to treat pilonidal sinus. It is a condition characterized by the formation of a cyst or abscess near the tailbone.
SMILE is an innovative and minimally invasive treatment option that utilizes laser energy to target and remove the sinus tract precisely. This procedure involves the use of a specialized laser device that delivers controlled bursts of energy to effectively eliminating the affected tissue.
The laser precision ensures minimal damage to the surrounding healthy tissue, that’s why patient have minimal post-operative pain and faster healing.
Compared to traditional surgical methods, the laser procedure offers several advantages such as no postoperative wound, no pain, no visible scarring because no need for incisions that’s why no disturbance to the local anatomy, and a lower risk of complications.
As a result, this advanced technique has become increasingly popular as a promising treatment option for individuals seeking relief from pilonidal sinus.
Testimonials and Success Stories by Patient after Laser treatment
Patient has attended my OPD after 5 days her laser treatment. Now she is feeling cured her surgical problem. Patient has given her opinion about laser procedure experience, post-operative pain and result.